I woke up this morning and headed over to my sister's house! Leslie was going to be over at Jenna's today and tomorrow to spend a little quality time with her and Avery, so I invited myself along.
It was a great visit. We talked and laughed and took Avery on a walk.
You can tell by the picture she enjoyed herself. The life of a one week old, sleep......eat......potty....and repeat. She's so cute though we don't mind!
I was busy this past weekend decorating the house and enjoying some quality time of my own with my husband. We pretty much did the same thing Avery does daily. You know, sleep......eat.....we'll leave it at that. HA!
I love this ornament. Mom found it and every year I put it up, it's like a brand new surprise because I don't ever remember we have it.
Is my table setting cute or what?! I am my mother's daughter. Dave said "So, this just sits out on our table till Christmas?" Yep, pretty much. It's so I can enjoy them everyday! I'm thinking we should have a dinner party at our house so I can use them.
Anyone want to come over for dinner and use my beautiful new dishes?!