Friday, December 28, 2012

Oh, you know...

Today is just blah outside, so I decided today would be a pj kind of day for this little cutie!

She's just so perfect.

I'm sure some of you reading are probably tired of reading about motherhood. But, I don't care. I never imagined that I would love being a mom so much. This blog is something I use to write down my thoughts and one day, Colbi will read them! I want her to know just how grateful I am to be a mommy. I love being her mom. With every month that goes by (I realize I haven't done her 5 month post......that is coming soon!), Colbi just gets more and more fun. Even though I wish she would sleep thru the night already! HA! 

Last night Colbi got up about 2:45 and was up till a little after 4am, boooooo. But, after her feeding she let me rock her.....her head resting on my chest. It was heaven. Have I mentioned how much I love her? 


Yesterday we went over to my parents house to hang out for a bit. Mom started therapy yesterday so the sisters and me did a little cleaning for them. But not before we took some pictures!

Avery wanted to hold Colbi so Leslie held Avery while Avery held Colbi. HA! Leslie is such a fun aunt. She will just play and play with these girls.

Aunt Jenna. 

Jenna has a special touch with babies. While I understand her being done having kiddos, I really wish she would have another one. She's a great Mommy. Avery is going thru a "Mommy" phase and it's so sweet. 

We've had some awesome family quality time this week and I'm loving that! :)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

Christmas is SO much more fun with a little one. And she doesn't even know it was Christmas! HA! 

We had a great Christmas. We went over to my parents house Christmas Eve to help bake all the goodies my mom sends out and spent the night. It was really fun. We ended up dropping off cinnamon rolls and scones to several different people and ended up caroling too. Jenna, Leslie, and I had a blast. 

Christmas afternoon we headed over to the Petty side. Colbi was a hit. By about 7:30 though, she was. over. it. But Dave's younger brother and girlfriend were in town, which was fun. I really like Erin, she's a great fit for Corey.

This little cutie kept us company while we were baking. 

My parents neighbor found the BEST present for my dad. He loves Christmas Vacation and she got him the moose mugs and dickie for him to wear like cousin Eddie. 

Colbi spent lots of time with Gigi reading and talking. Gigi is the best at talking to babies. Colbi loves her Gigi.

Poor Mom has a boot on now. She did get her stitches out Christmas Eve though, which is a good sign. It'll be much better when she can start moving around and walking on it. 

This was after Avery discovered her stocking with lots of candy in it. Aunt Angie got the girls these pj's.

"Look at what Santa brought you Colbi."

Merry Christmas morning!

Dad got Colbi and Avery the CUTEST present! He picked out two pair of overalls for each of the girls and they looked too cute in them! 
I hope your Christmas was just as good as ours! 
{Ignore Colbi's belly hanging out! This was the only family picture we got! HA!}

Sunday, December 23, 2012


I just wanted to add some pictures that I have taken over the past few days.

I love Instagram! Its such a perfect way to give your pictures a cool touch.

I'm really looking forward to the next few days. We are doing some major baking tomorrow and I can't wait for Christmas morning! I'll take a ton of pictures! :-)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

My little Elf

My aunt got Colbi these adorable pj's for Christmas. We always get a pair of jammies to open Christmas Eve. They used to always be from our Mimi and Angie has carried on the tradition. She gave us Colbi's early because, let's face it, she has no idea it's Christmas. I was going to take her to the Polar Express event they have in a town near ours but it got way too cold, so we had a photo shoot instead!

Surprisingly, Colbi has been in a good mood today after a really bad night. Poor baby is super congested and didn't sleep well at all {neither did Mommy}. I can tell she isn't feeling well because she has taken some looonnnggg naps today. 

She's been so sweet though. And lots of cuddles going on all day, which after this whole school thing in Connecticut, I'll gladly take. Anytime I can love on this sweet girl is just one more blessing. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Happy Wednesday!

I haven't mentioned that my mom broke {more like shattered} her foot decorating her Christmas tree. Poor thing. She had surgery last week and is now in the healing process. She got something like twelve screws in her heel. Eek!!

Jenna, Avery, Colbi, Dave, and I all went over last night to keep her company.

Avery is one busy little girl! She is such a great helper too! She wanted to keep helping me with Colbi. Colbi woke up from her nap and Avery was so stinkin' cute. She'd walk over and put in her paci and then take it out of Colbi's mouth. It was hilarious!

And, I had to snap this picture this morning. Colbi is so beautiful. Maybe I'm biased because she's mine but, oh well.

She LOVES her feet. I'm thinking she is already working on her flexibility for her cheer leading years!! :-)

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Monday, December 10, 2012

Spit up, randomness, and the TEA

For anyone who may still read my blog, I thought I'd share some great pictures from the past few weeks. 

I love this picture. It was SO funny when it happened. If you are grossed out by spit up, skip over this part :) 

We got home the other night and when Dave went to pick up Colbi, she threw up all over him. I couldn't help but laugh at him and then tell him to freeze so I could take a picture. Am I mean or what?!

 I. love. my. daughter. 
 This is her nightly routine. We get her bottle ready and she sits and watches us. Such a big girl!

Colbi is sleeping better by the way. She's still up once a night typically, but we will probably be starting cereal this month so we will see if that helps. 

I walked in tonight and she was just laughing her head off. She thinks it's hilarious when Dave kisses her neck. I think it's his beard. Baby laughter is the sweetest thing ever!

I know Cindy's Memorial Tea was in November but I realized I never posted pictures or wrote about it. Shame on me. 

Colbi was a hit! Her outfit was pure sweetness, thanks to her Gigi. That woman....she sure can shop!

 Mom had two tables this year! 

 She is just too creative. Aren't those zebra plates adorable? 

Mom and all her gals. How ever do men survive with all these women around! 

Sophia LOVES babies. And like I've said before, she is SO good with them. 
When she is around Colbi, she wants to hold her and talk to her and just entertain her. She sings songs, shows her stuff, and is just one sweet girl to her. Avery LOVES her sister. Sophia is just one special little girl. And how beautiful is she?!

Mom does that tea every year in honor of Cindy and this year she raised over $4,000! I'd say that's a success. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

4 Months Old


You are 4 months (and a few days) old! It seems to just fly by! 

 You are wearing a size 2 diaper still because you weigh 13.8lbs. You (were) 26 inches long, but I think you're a little longer than that now. Every day you seem to just grow, grow, grow! 
 You are wearing 3-6 month clothing, but your pants have to be 6 months because of your length. 
 You love to "talk". You are most talkative in the mornings in your crib. This is how you wake Mommy up to come get you. You will just talk and talk and when you see us, we get the biggest smile and it just makes your Daddy and me so happy! 
 You are eating about 7oz every 3.5-4hrs. Your night time feeding is about 8oz. We haven't started you on cereal yet, Mommy wants to wait until next month. 
 You take one long nap (usually) about two hours long and shorter naps thru out the day. You pretty much set your schedule, which works out great because we can go here and there and you just adjust. Sleep at night has gotten some what better. You still wake once a night to eat, sometimes you wake up twice. It just depends. Mommy has learned to go with that. 
Day care is almost your favorite thing. You LOVE Jenn and all the kids at day care. They say good morning to you every day when we arrive. Avery and you are two peas in a pod. I'm so glad you love Jenn so much. That tells me she is doing a good job!

Your daddy and I love you so much. You are just so much fun and make us so happy. Every day you seem to learn something new and discover another way to surprise us. We are just so thankful for such a happy, healthy little girl! 

Mommy and Daddy

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I am beyond humbled and down right embarrassed about being so upset for Colbi's lack of sleep the past few days.

My daughter has been reverting back to the up every few hours at night time sleep regression I read about. And you know what, I realized yesterday how completely ridiculous it is that I let it frustrate me so.

Colbi is four months old. That's it. She is a perfectly healthy, extremely strong, beautiful little girl and I could not be more thankful for that.

God used a certain sick little boy to remind me that I should be thanking him for this precious little baby I have, instead of complaining and whining about the lack of sleep I'm getting. It's a temporary thing. And she's worth it.

I prayed this prayer today:

"God, forgive me. How selfish and petty I am being. Thank you for my beautiful, perfect daughter. Thank you for always meeting our needs. Thank you for keeping her safe. Please help me to be better and more patient. Help me to be reminded how blessed I am and in my frustration, help me to keep perspective. Forgive me Lord, for I am embarrassed and ashamed."

I know even when God does forgive us, we have to forgive ourselves.

It's funny because I never really understood when women said they felt like they mess up with their children almost daily, but now I do. Just another thing to add to our list of things to feel bad about. I'm thankful for another day to do better. For myself. For my sweet kiddo. With the forgiveness and love of God.


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Monday, November 26, 2012

A recap.

I don't blog nearly as much as I use too. Not because I don't want too, I do. It's because our laptop is probably the most frustrating piece of technology ever. We need a new one. Bad.

Any who, on to a recap! 

The past two weeks have been busy and not...if that makes since. 

I took this picture because I love these beanies. So cute! 
(Side note: I use to really like the paci clips UNTIL today when I accidentally clipped Colbi's skin and she screamed bloody murder! It wasn't under about a half hour later when I saw the imprint changing her I knew. I. felt. horrible. Not to self: double check to make sure it's ONLY clipped to her shirt).


My dad is on the park board for his city so we got some VIP treatment to the Grand Prairie Lights off of Joe Pool. They are really amazing this year. I forgot how awesome Christmas lights can be. Jenna, Jason, Avery, us three, and my parents went together and Avery LOVED it. It's so excited to re-live everything thru a kid's eyes. 
We all took pictures with silly hats. This was the best one my sweet husband got. Photography is not his speciality :-)

Colbi has really grown. She went to the doctor last Monday and let's see:

13.8lbs (50% percentile)
26 inches long (97% percentile)
41 head circumference (50% percentile)

Her pedi said she is long and lean and what woman wouldn't want that?! 
I still need to do her 4 month post. I will. I promise!

We tried out the play station........
 Got interested in Buddy...........
 Jumped in the jump-a-roo..........(LOVES IT!)
 And looked through all the ads for Black Friday!
 We had a very relaxing (except for about 24 hrs. of me not feeling great), chill Thanksgiving this year. Dave really wanted to go stay the night at my parents the night before, which was great! Colbi got to see Gigi and Pops first thing in the morning. We had a great lunch and then Leslie, Mom, and I went to the movie. Breaking Dawn Part 2. Let me say, I'm not a Twlight person, but I did LOVE this one. Mom and I stopped by Macy's to get a pair of boots and headed back their house for another night with them. My mom pointed out this was the first time in 4 years (since we've been married) we actually stayed the night just because. Maybe we will make it a tradition :-) 

The next morning Dave and I went to grab some breakfast and headed home. We weren't gone too long though because a certain little girl was having a birthday party!!!


Avery turned two! I still can't believe it's been two years since Jenna and Jason brought her home on Thanksgiving day. Time flies. 
 Avery is such a sweet, smart little girl. She loves on Colbi and talks to her, gives her hugs and kisses. It's awesome. We never had cousins to play with, so I'll enjoy watching their relationship grow. 

Sophia LOVES babies and Colbi loves her. She just entertains her and talks to her all the time. Colbi will watch her and laugh. It really is sweet. And doesn't Colbi look SO cute? That was Avery's vest we inherited. (p.s. Dave wore his vest to match Colbi :-)


And today, Dave took off and we had a good day together. I made breakfast this morning and we headed off to the movie this afternoon to see Life of Pi. It was good.........different. And more spiritual than anything else. I really enjoyed it. Especially in 3D.

Hope you all had just as great a holiday as we did. I can't believe Christmas is only one month away!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Some new favorites

I have a few new favorites as of lately that I thought I would share with you.

First and foremost, my new favorite blog is this one. She is a stylist that does all sorts of fun tutorials and has some great tips as far as make-up and accessories. She's super cute too. 

I have new product that I love too. Kenra (has been around forever but I just starting using it). This line is awesome as far as blow dry spray, hair sprays, and finishing sprays. I haven't used their shampoo or conditioner, but they are more known for their styling products anyway.

I'm also LOVING that it is time for scarves. FINALLY! 

I'm in this funky stage where I'm still loosing weight, but for all you mom's out there, you know how different your body is once you've popped out a kiddo. Your hips are wider, bottom is bigger, and don't even get me started on how differently tops fit, but I find that things like scarves and chunky necklaces help to balance things out. Besides, they're just awesome anyway.

Modern Family is killing it this season. It's actually the one show I try to make sure and watch. TV has kind of become a white noise type of thing. I really don't watch much of it anymore, just keep it on for some back ground noise.

And last but not least, I'm LOVING my job. I was kind of nervous at first to be honest, simply because being self employed is just....well.....nerve racking. The whole thing, not having anyone to give me their opinion about color options or cuts, making sure I stay busy enough to pay my lease and daycare, doing my best in order to make sure I get's scary. I will say this though, God has proven me wrong every. single. week. 

I'm a pretty nervous person. I worry all the time. I try to plan everything down to the cent. It's incredibly hard to do that when you are banking off of what people needs are. Getting your hair done is a luxury, it's not something everyone can afford to (but to be honest, most people will give up eating out before they give up their highlights or covering up their gray). HA! 

With every week that passes and I continue to write my rent check or dropping Colbi off at daycare, God has continue to show me that he will meet my needs. Meet our needs. And I often wonder if this happens because when we follow God's will for our life, he gives us signs to validate what we are doing is the right path. This isn't to say things are always sunshine and roses, but I know that no matter what, God will provide. Trusting in him is hard for control freaks......even though, it's all about faith. Faith in a being that is bigger than we could ever imagine. Faith in a God that continues to love us, even when we consistently deny him. I'm not a church go-er, I'll be honest. I grew up in church, I should go to church. Why don't we? Honestly, laziness. But, that doesn't mean that my relationship is any less real or important than the next person. That doesn't mean that God spends any less time thinking and loving my family than my neighbors. The truth is, I want to go to church. I want Colbi to grow up in church. And more and more, that is becoming important to me. To us. 

Not sure how this has turned into a spiritual posting, but I just felt as though I needed to share that.

And, I did want to share this last thing!

The Cindy Tamplin Memorial Tea is this Saturday at:

Inglewood Baptist Church
1901 S. Carrier Parkway
Grand Prairie, TX 75051

There will be lots of fun auction items and all proceeds going to Brighter Tomorrow Women's Shelter. Come on out if you are free. A cute little girl will be there with me saying hi! :)