"To my husband, who is the inspiration for my blog. Thank you Dave for all the goofy, wonderfully entertaining stories and experiences we share together to make this blog possible. My dogs C'Mere and Buddy who love me unconditionally. (insert music that starts playing over me speaking).......... I would like to thank Tanna, who brought Kristi and I together to become blog friend through the Challenge. And thank you to everyone who reads my blog. I just hope you get as much joy reading my blog as I do writing it. Thank you." (I exist and don't really know which part of the stage I'm to exist too.....so akward, :)
Honestly though, I think the whole blog world is so cool. Kristi and I follow each other's blogs and pray for one another, just keep up with other people. It's a neat thing in my opinion!!
So here are the rules:
1-Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2-Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3-Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4-Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.
5-Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6-Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7-Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they've been nominated.
Seven things people may not know:
1. I love my honda accord, the first car I've owned that I actually love
2. Law and Order will always be a show I will watch, it's timeless. And I used to love it when I worked at night because it would come on during the days, especially the marathons that would play on holidays! :)
3. I went to Stephen F. Austin University my first year of college, Leslie and I had a BLAST!
4. I have a really hard time buying laundry detergent, they all smell so good and it's hard to choose! I literally will stare at all the choices and debate which one smells the best.
5. I get really nervous when I have to call people to cancel for something, doesn't matter what it is. I always feel like people will be mad at me :)
6. I'm starting to get a little bit of baby fever, although after this week of being sick I'm leaning towards the no babies for awhile thing again. I couldn't imagine feel poopie and trying to take care of a baby, geez! Besides the fact, Dave needs an actual job before we can think of having a baby!
7. I know a BIG secret about something that is going happen this month but can't say anything about it. Are you serious????? The nerve, I hate keeping secrets! :)
I nominate:
1. Whitney-friend that lives across the street
2. Kristine-friend from high school
3. Rachel-friend from high school
4. Karen-she has the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen, except for my niece of course :)
5. Jenna-my older sister
6. Nikki-my sister's friend, although she named her child after me so that makes her super cool (Nikki, I know you didn't really name Brooke after me but I would like to think I was the inspiration, tee hee)
7. Amy-friend from high school
**I will notify you all when my computer decides it would like to actually let me leave a comment on other people's blogs. Dang rain, it even makes computers tired.......***
Brooke, I guess I have to agree with you...I AM super cool! You are just the cutest!
Why Thank you! ;)
You were just nominated!!
Yay!! I am so glad we were put together via Tanna! I really can't wait to meet you in Decemeber!! What BIG secret do you know? Maybe that I will get the Teach for America position and my hardest class will become my easiest?? Please do share!! haha :)
Thanks, Brooke! I (used to) have the same problem with laundry detergent...then The Bug came along and we had to switch to the unscented stuff. I do miss great smelling clothes!
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