Thursday, January 16, 2014

Cousins & the crud

Avery came to stay with us this past weekend and these girls were busy, busy playing!! 

I'm really glad they are close in age and like to play together.

They are both obsessed with pushing things. It's a good thing Colbi has so many different carts to play with. 

Colbi has also become really good at playing with "babies". She kisses on them and hugs them. It's so sweet. 

Colbi started running fever Tuesday night and has had a rough few days. Tuesday her fever reached 103.4 and, needless to say, I was a little freaked out! We debated on taking her to Cook's (it was about 6:30pm), but after talking with our pedi, we opted to wait it out. After a cool rag, warm bath, and some Tylenol it came down. That night was not fun though. 

I'm so thankful for parents that live close and can come help so we can work. She's still running fever today, but I'm hoping it will be gone by tomorrow. She's been sleeping some and sweaty, so wishful thinking! 
Colbi has been super clingy today, which isn't such a bad thing for me. But, I'm ready for this virus to go away!

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