Tuesday, January 28, 2014

18 Months

Colbi Morgan,

You are 18 months old. Mommy can not believe she is typing that! My goodness, time has flown by.

You are the sweetest, funniest, cutest little girl I know. This is probably my most favorite age so far. You are talking up a storm (sometimes, in your own language) and growing like a weed. Some of your favorite words are:

Poo poo
Ilk (milk)
Melmo (Elmo)
mon (aka c'mon-when you want us to follow you)
bye bye

Pushing anything around the house is your favorite pass time. The strollers and shopping carts you got from Christmas are definitely getting their use. You're obsessed with cellphones and tablets, although we (Mommy and Daddy) don't let you play with ours. 

You eat pretty much anything we give you, which is awesome. It's seriously one of the best things since your daddy is super picky. I can't think of really anything you haven't had. You aren't much for juice though, just milk and water. Mexican food is probably your favorite thing to eat, along with spaghetti. 

You go to bed between 7:30-8pm and wake up around 7:30am. We still rock with you, not every night, but most nights you like to snuggle before bed. 

You are such an easy going, happy little girl and Mommy loves to hang out with you. Daddy loves you so much and you guys share a special bond. Daddy loves to play with you and you think he hung the moon, so that's pretty awesome too.

We are so thankful for God bringing you into our lives. You bring us so much happiness and joy, we couldn't imagine our lives without you in it! 

Mommy and Daddy


Jenna @ Sharing My Jennarocity said...

I love you, you sweet little thing!!!

Hall Around Texas said...

She is getting so big! Such a precious little girl!