Wednesday, March 7, 2012

21 weeks

So, if you're my friend on Facebook, you know we went to the doctor yesterday! Everything looks amazing, baby is measuring perfectly to the week. Healthy baby is a good baby!

Baby is as long as a carrot!

I'm up 22 lbs. Ugh. I should choose to just not look anymore.

No major cravings this week.

It's a girl :) Name, we think, has been decided. Stay tuned!

Best Moment: seeing the baby and finding out the sex. Now, we can shop!

At least she will always have great hair! This whole cosmetology thing may work out after all! :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Dina said...

Yay for a girl! You are going to have so much fun.

And you look great! Such a cute pregnant girl!