Saturday, March 24, 2012

23 weeks and 2 days

This dress is the best. I wish I would have bought another one in a different color. Dang it.

I feel huge. I know I'm not, but still, I feel like I am.

This baby is kicking like crazy! When we were watching the Hunger Games, this baby either loved it or hated it. Ha! The movie was amazing by the way. It followed the book pretty well and I was not disappointed in the least. Although, the book is by far better, so read it first if at all possible. It will literally take you like four hours if you are like me and love anything political and different. Pretty much draws you in from the beginning, at least it did me.

I need to go buy a few more maternity dresses and a few pants. I was trying to hold off until I got out of school, but it's just not going to happen. Blah.

So, picking a name is so much harder than I thought it'd be. I have a name I love, but I think my problem is a sense of commitment. I've always been like this though, over think everything and try to come up with all options before committing. Ha! Hopefully I can share her name soon :)

We are starting on her nursery this weekend. There's a lot of work to be done though.

Today is exciting because I get to leave school early and head to a wedding shower for a friend I've known since kindergarten! And Leslie gets to join mom and me since she's in town. Woohoo!

Happy Saturday guys!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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