Wednesday, August 1, 2012

First week

Our first week without Daddy went pretty well I think! It's definitely been an adjustment, but we have managed to survive. We have somewhat gotten into a routine, which is nice. I told my mom today though that weekends have a whole new meaning to me since it means Dave will be home for two full days. Woohoo! Maybe this Momma will get a little extra sleep?

Colbi, you are officially 15 days old. I can't believe it. It goes by so quickly! The days seem long but short.

You are growing pretty quick too it seems. You hold your head up like a champ! We have done some tummy time, but to be honest, we can hold you on our chest and you pull your head back for minutes at a time. It's surprising!

You sleep for about 3 hours during the day and go 4ish hours at night before you're hungry. We are nursing pretty well, which I'm
SO thankful for. Although, at 2am, Mommy is almost asleep still when she is feeding you.

You are a mover! You move
around like crazy, especially when you sleep. There have been several times we caught you almost rolling over on your own. It's insane! Everyone says you're super strong.

Mommy is having lots of fun with you everyday. Gigi and Pops have been over several times this week to hang out with you, even let Mommy leave the house a bit! Yay! Thank you Gigi and Pops! Oma came to visit you one afternoon too, that was a nice surprise!

Since I was going to be among the living while Gigi and Pops had Colbi, I actually showered and put on REAL clothes (I've been living in comfy pants and tops).

I had to go get new pump parts, so one stop I made was to Babies r us.

And Colbi needed these two color accessories so I stopped in at Hobby Lobby.

It wouldn't be a day out without a stop at Starbucks. I also got gas and ran thru the car wash. Big time out huh?! :)

Today, mom and I took Colbi for her PKU screening test thing. She did well, cried for about five seconds. I completely forgot about it, my mom had to remind me. Oops! They should really call you, there is way to much to remember at first. Ha!

So, now we are waiting for daddy to get home. Happy weekend y'all!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Rachel Moss said...

I love Thursdays (Jer's day off since he works on Sundays) and Saturdays for the same reasons!
Isn't it amazing how doing something like running mundane errands by yourself feels so nice?! Valerie cut my hair on Thursday and I told her that it just dawned on me that it was the first time in 3 weeks that I'd been by myself. I loved it!
Aaand, I'm very impressed by your feed times! Elliot is still eating every 2 hours during the day and every 3ish at night.

Brooklynn said...

I kind of have the NIcU to thank for her feeding schedule, they were feeding her every three hours on the dot. But, she nurses for a good 30-45 mins so I think she is just knocked out by the time she is done. Ha!