Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rule #7: Separating from the Pack

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."
-Judy Garland-

I think this rule is good just in general, mainly because whether it be in business or with your kids or your marriage, you have to find what's right for you instead of what "society" says is normal or right.

I've never been a follower, well, as far back as I can remember anyway. I do have leadership qualities that tend to come out when need be, but I can also be part of the Indian crowd. Somehow I do still separate from the pack when I have my Indian hat on. Separating from the pack is solely based on the idea that you do what's right for you, not anyone else. You find the qualities you have to offer that differ from everyone else and you capitalize on them. Focus on the things that make you different and use that to find success.

I see this a lot at work (mainly because everyone's really young). For example, when one person quits, the whole social circle does. Why in the world would you do that? But they do. I think you either have it in you to be a leader and know what's right for you, or you don't. Sometimes it takes people longer to figure their inner leader that allows them to separate from the pack.

"I believe that separating from the pack is the reason why my career has been so precisely my career. Each person's life unfolds in a unique way, but the best way to let that happen naturally is to take your own path, not anyone else's. It's your career, your health, your relationships, your journey, your blueprint, your life, so why should you ever act like anybody else and miss out on what could happen for you?"
-Bethenny Frankel, A Place of Yes-

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