Friday, April 24, 2009

It's official

I'm officially sore and tired!! I have actually worked out three times this week so far, but the past two days have been in the morning before work. I actually like getting up and going for a run early in the mornings, just something refreshing about starting my day off with some exercise. I think one of the best benefits to starting my off with exercising first is I don't have to do it it bad to think that way?

I am going to get a Yoga DVD and maybe Pilates, and I'm thinking the Biggest Loser trainer video would be a good one too! I get bored with just running or always doing the same typically cardio stuff so a change is good for me.

This weekend will consistent of almost nothing! I am wanting to paint my kitchen, buy some curtains for my kitchen and clean. I thought about going garage saleing with Jenna up in Plano because you know all those rich people have good stuff, even if they are getting rid of it :)

Day 5 of the challenge, only 37 more days to go before it's bikini time.


Karen said...

I'm pretty sure that outfit was a hand me down. That's the great thing about having friends that have babies before you... their kid wears an outfit once then outgrows it, so you get a practically new outfit for FREE!

Libby said...

The 30 day shred (Jillian Michaels) is killer good if you want to try it, it'll for sure work you out and you don't really get bored...