Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Random Thoughts

Today is Tuesday, which might be my second favorite day of the work week besides Friday. I like Tuesdays because I get to be a part of a departmental meeting that takes up the morning so that just leaves the afternoon to fight off......except today time is DRRAAGGGIIINNNGGGG!

I have so many things to do tonight and tomorrow. We leave for Georgia Thursday except Dave is trying to up that to tomorrow after work, grrrr. That just means quicker packing, less cleaning before we leave( I hate leaving a dirty house to come home too) and less time to get my final done. We will see if that actually happens or not.

Do you ever watch movies that just scare you? I didn't used to be like that but the older I'm getting the more sad and scary some movies are to me. We watched "Changeling" last night and it was incredibly sad to me and I couldn't fall asleep last night. The whole thing was sad! I don't want to give it away to anyone who hasn't seen it but I don't know I could watch it if I had a child. I just kept seeing scenes from the movie over and over again in my head and it just scared me, I told Dave before we went to bed I thought I would have nightmares. Luckily for me, I dreamt about working at Roadhouse again bartending??? Don't ask, I have no idea why.

It seems like everytime I turn around someone else I know is getting engaged and married. My friend LaChrisha got engaged this past weekend and I found out through an email! can you believe that? I have been friends with that girl since 3rd grade! :) That is what happens the older you get, you hear things about stuff through people or emails! HA!

Makes me sad to get older, I know I'm only 27 but still it does. I know there are great things that come with age, experience, wisdom, kids, stuff like that. But it still makes me sad. I just keep thinking how time just keeps on ticking and it just seems to be flying by. I try to remind myself that is the way it is suppose to be but sometimes I want to freeze time! I guess I just feel like life is so brief it just rushes on by us without even a warning and then it's gone.

This month marks the 1 year mark for my grandmother passing and Dave's grandfather passing, a full year. So much has happened in that year and it just makes me sad to think time goes on and it's not that we forget but sometimes we do forget. It's been almost 5 years since my grandfather died and that hurts me, it was bittersweet on our wedding day. My Pappaw was a great man and it makes me sad he wasn't here to see my get married or graduate college. I know he is watching but it's just different.

Kind of a gloomy post today but I just had to write it out, thoughts sometimes need to be written out or spoke aloud because they aren't meant to stay in. This trip to Georgia is a much needed one, for MeMaw and for us. I think it will be good therapy, closure maybe. Mmmmm, only two more hours and I can go home. I'll be counting down the minutes!

On a lighter note, Jenna got a dog last night and named it Bella. It's super cute, a black lab and hellier mix. Haven't met her yet but I bet she is super cute!

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