Friday, March 25, 2011

An Answered Question

Today's blog topic is to answer a question that you get asked often......only one really comes to mind.

"When are you going to start having kids?"

Let me preface first by stating, I don't normally go into great detail about personal things on my blog (mainly because somethings I feel are just not everyone's business) but I am going to answer this question.

I have talked about having kids a little bit before and how I feel when I get asked this question. To be honest, I don't know when we are going to have kids. I honestly feel like it'll happen when God is good and ready for Dave and I to be parents.

One of my biggest fears is that I'll "be ready" to have babies and I won't be able to get pregnant. I know it sounds like I am being pessimistic about something that hasn't even happen yet and truth to be told, I probably read too many blogs about women who desperately want to have children and can't for the life of them get pregnant. I just don't want to become obsessed with getting pregnant where it consumes my life and takes away from all the other blessings God has given me.

I honestly feel as though God gives us challenges in our lives for a reason and the light at the end of the tunnel reveals why we went through those hard times (and sometimes, it doesn't). But, I do know that when we, as women, start comparing our lives to others it begins to demean what we have already been given.

I have friends who have already been married and divorced, fighting over custody with their ex-spouse for their kids, and friends who are having such a hard time finding a husband or getting pregnant. When I talk to them, I just can't help but feel so blessed that God gave me one of the best gifts in my life thus far. My husband.

While kids bring so much joy and happiness, I think about how sad I would be if something happened to Dave and I didn't have a piece of him left. I see my nephew, who is a spitting image of Dave and his brother, and think how sad I would be not to share with that with my husband.

And, part of the reason I'm not putting in tons of effort trying to get pregnant is that the world we live in is scary. My mom told me tonight about how Billy Graham's son said the signs are here for the end of times and that terrifies me. Not in the way where I don't know where I will be going because I am a Christian and was saved several years ago but to think about raising a child in today's times freaks me out. How sad am I?! HA!

I used to get annoyed when people asked me this question. I thought it was rude and intrusive, but now I look at it like most people ask because they care about me and just want to know. People equate being married for awhile equals "time for the next step", even if the step for some may be getting out of debt or enjoying some quality time with my husband before bringing a baby into my marriage.

And I'm also a little scared that when I actually do get pregnant, Dave and I could be in for treat. Since we are both twins, I'm a little afraid our chances of having multiples could be pretty high. I don't want to end up in an octo-mom type of situation! You laugh, but I met a family the other day with quadruplets. The husband was a twin and the wife's mother was a twin. Eek!

Could you imagine if we had that many?! It's a good thing my parents and in-laws live close..............tee hee.