Thursday, August 6, 2009

We are now secure! And full!

Yep that's right, I made enchiladas. Yummy!! They actually turned out pretty good, but I think next time they need more sauce though. But they were goooooooddddddddd.

Last night we had a security system installed. This wasn't exactly our plan but we got a SWEET deal. APX took care of all the installation cost and we just had to take care of the activation fee and then of course the monthly fees. I know security systems don't totally prevent people from breaking in but it makes me feel better. I don't like when Dave goes out of town and I'm home at night alone. It scares me.

Now they have these things were you can turn your alarm off and on by remote. Geez, technology today. It's VERY cool though.

And then of course, we keep this sign in the yard for advertisement for them. It's solar powered so at night the light shines on it. And the sales guy and guy who installed it was very very nice. I HIGHLY recommend them.

Tomorrow night I am getting together with the girls from high school! Should be tons of fun, can't wait. There is actually a reason we are getting together but it's a secret so I can't say anything. I will share what it is for in the future :) I'll make sure to take some pictures, should be interesting!

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