Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday's List: New Year's Resolutions

Today's list is suppose to be "New Year's Resolutions" over at Love From Texas so I thought I would participate. Why not! I'll share with ya'll a few of my thoughts on resolutions for 2010. Time is just flying on by isn't it!?
  • Take the next 365 days and read the bible cover to cover. I do have a one year guide for this and plan on using it. I have tried this before but I plan on praying for diligence and strength to continue and finish. I would love to have read the Lord's full word and look forward to the growth I will take away from it.
  • I plan on attempting to grow out my hair. Sounds silly I know but I have had short hair forever and every time I try and grow it out I give up and cut it.
  • Pay off some debt. We aren't very extravagant people so we do not have a ton it just seems like a huge task when you try for it, does that make sense?
  • To get my house finally decorated and done! I have made a ton of progress over the past year and I love it so far but we still have our bedroom, Dave's "man cave", the guest room (which is partly complete) and a few final touches on my office.

WHEW! I'm tired just thinking about it already. I would really love to have the house decorated before I start teaching in August (which is still just my plan, no official job yet). We'll see if that happens!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

woo hoo for reading the Bible!! I'll pray for a teaching job! What program are you doing?