Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up

Where do the weekends go?! They just fly right by and before you know it, it's Sunday night. Without LIFE to watch might I add. Boo. But this weekend was wonderful.

Friday we went to see my nephew Braiden play baseball. Which the weather was absolutely beautiful that night so it was super. He is a natural and the team is extremely talented for a bunch of six year olds. Although I will say, I believe I came down with a bug that my niece shared with us because I have felt like doo doo all day. Yucky!

Saturday my mom came over and we went to this place to have lunch and did a little shopping!We walked all over the square and had a great afternoon visiting some cool clothing stores and boutiques. We also went to our city's Spring Fling, although didn't really find a whole lot worthy of our dollars. But it was another beautiful day so it didn't really bother me spending sometime outdoors. After Dave's friend Pat came over and they headed to the lake. I had a nice little nap, along with some study time, and then enjoyed a nice dinner! It was off to bed after that!!

So now it's Sunday night and I'm dreading getting ready for this week. It's going to be busy one!

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