Friday, November 27, 2009

The Blind Side

Yesterday was a very good day, it being Thanksgiving and all. This year (like I said in previous posts) I found myself sitting and thinking about all the things in my life I'm thankful for, all the blessings the good Lord has given me. And this was even more apparent to me after seeing The Blind Side.

We have all seen the previews so I will strictly only talk about what is available to everyone as to not give any details away :) The basis of the movie is one simple thing..........doing the right thing and making ourselves available to what God is placing in our lives. I found myself crying within the first few minutes of the movie and let me say this, this is an extremely HAPPY movie.

Human nature tells us to stay in our comfortable little place in life without inconveniencing ourselves by helping others. Now this isn't everyone BUT I think we have all had our moments in life that God tests our faithfulness by placing things in our paths where lessons can be taken away and at some point or another we, me, have failed.

I found myself thinking after the movie was over would I have done the same thing Mrs. Tuoly did? She, my friends, is one tough cookie with a very special heart. To take someone into their home, to take a chance on a kid who has nothing (and I mean nothing) was pure and simple: God was working through this special lady to reach the heart and change the life of a special child.

Even more than that, I found myself asking would I have the same attitude Michael had in the movie? This child was born into a life style that many in the world are, without someone who loves them and tells them daily how loved they are. I found it to be inspiring and a great testament to just how much the love of God can work through us. He was an extremely lovely, polite, reserved young boy who just needed a break and a little help.

It's amazing to me the challenges some go through and how typically people let their situation get the best of them, they let that evil in their lives win. And I think it's because we forget that there are two forces working in our lives, Satan is real and some allow him to take over. But God is alive and loves us and in this movie, in my opinion, God allowed Michael's situation to take place maybe for the simple reason as to tell it. To tell the story of how helping someone you wouldn't normally can be the best thing you have ever done. Michael's life was change but the Tuoly's lives were changed as well.

Please go see this movie. And yes while it's "Hollywood" there is a great moral to this I hope to remember for myself every time I come across an opportunity to help someone else.

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