Friday, November 20, 2009

My Heart is Heavy

For anyone who reads Kelly's blog, please make sure you follow the links she has for today's post. I decided to read them at work, not a good idea. Can you say choked and up and crying? Touched my heart, it really did. If not go here and check it out.

I must say, Kelly's trip really touched me. I know God calls us all to different types of servanthood and I don't think mine is traveling around the world visiting third world countries (not that I am ruling it out). But in the past few weeks my heart has been touched, and I have a dire need to meet my calling, my place in life to serve. I want to cry just thinking about it.

My mom always talks to us about being good servants, in any area. She is one of the most loyal servants I know, always helping others through her creativity and outgoing personality. I get to witness it , a true servant, God has blessed her with a loving and faithful heart. This weekend I get to see the glory of God shown through a woman who felt a calling to help in the lives of battered women. And I feel blessed and lucky to call that woman my Mother.

I highly encourage you, if you are free tomorrow, to come visit Inglewood Baptist Church for the Cindy Tamplin Memorial Tea. It's amazing to see God working through the women at Inglewood to make a difference in the lives of others.

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