Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rule #2: Find Your Truth

Bethenny's second rule is all about finding your truth, whether it be related to relationships, career, friends, how ever "finding your truth" relates to you.

"You have to ask yourself what's genuine and true for you-not for your parents (break the chain), not for your friends, not for your siblings or your school or your society, but for you. It's the question of a lifetime, and it can take a lifetime to really answer it, but you still have to keep asking."
-Bethenny Frankel, A Place of Yes-

As I read this chapter, the past year just really stuck out to me. Bethenny talks alot about her relationships in this chapter. What she learned specifically in each one and how she found her passion for cooking, along with finding her Skinny Girl calling. For me, finding my truth is defined as what is my true calling career wise.

Over a year ago, I felt a real calling for teaching. I had graduated from college and was seeking the new step in my life. I gave teaching so much thought and prayer and really felt like it was what I was suppose to be doing. After a few very disappointing events, I re-evaluated if that was what the next step for me would be. Looking back, I'm glad it worked out the way it did. If I had gone through the summer training and landed a job, I would more than likely be laid off right now with everything going on in the education world. And then I would have been so upset I paid that much money for my certification and been unemployed. Funny how life works out huh?

I've been floating around the past 8 months, applying for job after job with no real direction. Things I think are working in my favor haven't, jobs I thought were perfect for me simply didn't happen, and so I just stopped. For the past few months I've been stuck. Of my own doing. No real motivation to look inside and find out what it is I love. What could I do for the rest of the my life (or at least the next 20 years) that I would find joy from?

This is something I've especially given alot of thought to over the past two weeks. Having time to rest and let your mind wander has been really a blessing for me. And something I've learned from reading this book is, sometimes you just don't know until you've tried it. People have great ideas sometimes, but never act on them simply out of fear. What if I fail? What if no one wants what I'm offering? What if I put in all this effort and turns out I'm horrible?

If you live out of fear, I think a very important part of the journey is missed. If you never try anything new, you're settling. Now, this isn't to say that people who do have a calling and truly enjoy their jobs should go out and try something new. I'm simply saying this as it relates to me.......someone who really hasn't found her "career" yet or what she wants to do.

"Everything that happens to you, each experience, each stumble or achievement, is another piece, and the more the puzzle comes together, the more clearly you start to see where the next pieces should go. But nobody would blame you for not knowing where one puzzle piece out of a thousand is supposed to go, when you've only got one corner of the puzzle put together. Be patient. Your life is the puzzle, and it's challenging to put it together, even if you sometimes spend too much trying to shove a piece into the wrong space. At some point, you figure out that you're doing it wrong, and you try a different piece."
-Bethenny Frankel, A Place of Yes-

So simple isn't it? HA!


Jenna @ Sharing My Jennarocity said...

I am a big fan of this post and of what Bethenny is saying!!!! You've given me alot to think about. I really love how she explains "the puzzle."

Kelly said...

You will find the "career" that is meant for you when God is good and ready. I have to believe that or I would have driven myself insane the past 5 years. And now starting next week I have finally found my starting point towards that career. I think I might need to read this book.

Your amazing Brooklyn, and what ever it is that you find to do you will be amazing at...don't beat yourself down just because you haven't found "it" yet.