Friday, May 13, 2011

Sad News for Friday the 13th

I really debated on writing this but I feel like I should. Mainly, because I started this blog as a way to document what has happened in our lives and this is part of it, so here I go........

April 4th I took a pregnancy test after I got off work and I was so surprised when it said "Pregnant". I was not expecting that at all so I was shocked to say the least. I ended up waking Dave up super late because I just couldn't believe it, I almost needed someone else to validate it or something.

We told my parents and Dave's parents that same week. They were uber excited as were we, but opted to not tell everyone for awhile.

We had our first appointment May 4th, which made me 8 weeks. The baby was measuring two weeks behind but had a strong heartbeat so we left optimistic but cautious. The doctor wanted to see us again 10 days later so here we are today.

Today's appointment proved what the doctor had talked to us about, the baby had grown but we lost the heartbeat. I kind of expected it to be honest, just had a feeling I guess. I was proud of myself for not completely loosing in front of the man, I waited until after when we got to IHOP instead. HA!

We now have two options, wait to miscarry naturally or have a D&C. Dave and I told our doctor we were going to digest it all and we'll make a decision. I'm sure we'll schedule the appointment but I have a feeling I'll miscarry before that will happen, even if we had scheduled the D&C today.

It's been a day of different emotions. Anger, sadness, confusion........I have to say Dave has been extremely loving and caring today. I'm so thankful for my husband. He is such a great man and so supportive. My parents have also been a great strength to me, somehow they always know what to say. Leslie said she knew I was calling to tell her bad news, maybe it's a twin thing?

On the positive side, we did get pregnant so that's a good sign. I'm trying very hard not to focus on the future and the 'what if's' though and just take it a day at a time. For now, I've been eating horribly all day and resting. Funny how food makes you feel better, even when it doesn't.

Tomorrow is a new day and I'm hoping to feel better.........I'm thinking that will take some time but positive thinking is the one number key when going through hard times. I know God has a plan, sometimes I question what exactly is in his plan for me, but I chalk that up to human nature.

Besides this post and talking to family about it, I'm really not into speaking about it all the time. It's exhausting and emotionally draining just thinking about it, little lone telling the story all the time.

I'll keep you posted though. And maybe say a little prayer for me and Dave? Just for some peace and strength to get through the next part. I know we'd appreciate it!


Kristine said...

I'm sorry Brooke. I will pray for you guys!

Jenna @ Sharing My Jennarocity said...

Brooke, I am so sorry for your loss. God does have a plan, even though we might never know what it might be. I know you will get through things and you know I am here for you. I love you sister.

Ashley Michelle said...

oh brooke... I cannot imagine what you are feeling. It broke my heart reading your blog... Just know that there is a reason for everything that happens. You and your sweet family are and will be in my prayers.

Sandra said...

"And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7

Praying for you!

~Stefanie~ said...

I'm sorry you are going through this hard time. I will keep you & Dave in my thoughts and prayers.

Doug and Kelli said...

Doug and I will be praying hard for your sweet family. God has something wonderful planned and in His timing you and Dave will be blessed with a healthy, beautiful, loved baby.

Tricia Nae said...

I'm so sorry Brooke. I'll be praying for you and Dave.

Bradshaw's Buzz said...

OH BROOKE! I'm in tears reading this! I had a feeling that is what your FB posts were eluding too, but I always think that. I'm so sorry for your devastating loss and pray for you and your heart for healing and understanding.

Rachel Moss said...

I'm so sorry, Brooke. I will be praying for you.

Libby said...

I'll be thinking of you and Dave...Kyle and I had something similar happen to us before we got pregnant with Grace. I had to go in and have a D&C-it just never grew past 11 weeks. I'm so glad you have some awesome family and friends b/c that really does help-that, God and time are the best healers...God does have a plan, that I can attest to, otherwise I wouldn't have these 3 little beauties in my life...thinking of you friend and if you ever need anything I'm only a click away...

The Ziebarth Family said...

Brooke, I will be committed to praying for you and your family as you go through this. He truly has you in His hands!!! Love you girl!

Hall Around Texas said...

Brooke, I am so sorry. I can't even imagine the roller-coaster of emotions. Just know that I am praying for you and Dave. It took Nathan and I two years to get pregnant with Mason. It's all part of God's precious plan and in his sweet time. xo, Crystal