Monday, March 22, 2010

Not me Mondays

I found myself this morning looking forward to the Not Me Mondays as I was standing in line at the glorious Walmart waiting, and waiting, and waiting.......
It was not me who found myself counting to ten as the lady in front of me at the check out counter had just about every ad in the Sunday paper. I know, wait let me say "understand" the need to comparison shop and save money but really? Why is it always the lady in front me? Why can't she be behind me? Being one of the most high strung, impatient people alive it's hard to wait on others. But I'm learning. Slowly.
Our kitchen sink has been broken for, well going on two weeks now. Geez. It was surely not me who keeps stuffing everything in the dish washer without pre-rinsing. Might I add it takes two cycles usually to actually get them clean? I'm afraid of my water bill for the upcoming month.
Do you ever just feel incredibly guilty for things you ate over the past few days, knowing (more like feeling) the pounds just adding up? I would never stuff my face with all the delicious, heavenly treats my mom brought to Jenna's party without concern for the fact I am in a wedding in a few days. Oh but it was so worth it. I mean really. Have you had a mini pound cake of hers?
Check out all the "Not me" moments here. Happy Monday!

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