Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Brenna Lee!

It's hard to believe you were once this little. You had the cutest little legs I have ever seen.

As the years have passed, I have watched you grow up from a precious little baby into a sweet, beautiful little girl.

You have the most beautiful brown eyes around, your sassy attitude is just divine (at the moment), and you are such a joy to be around.

You are just growing up right before our eyes. Uncle Dave and I love you so much! Happy Birthday Brenna Lee!!

**don't worry, we will be bringing your present over soon. Uncle Dave will make sure to get something super annoying that you'll love but your Mommy and Daddy will highly dislike**

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Oh my...she is just adorable!

Word to the wise.....when you guys have babies...expect those gifts as well ;)