Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Five

1. I'm mentally and emotionally exhausted this week. It's been one of those weeks. I'm super happy to wake up this morning and it be Friday (I'll be even more happy when I'm officially done with work after a meeting this afternoon). The plan for today, although, will be cleaning my house. It's yucky.

2. The new Katherine Heigil and Josh Duhamel movie comes out today. I'm thinking a date night with the hubby sounds good and it might just be my turn to choose the movie. Chick flick, here we come.

3. I'm down to 138lbs. That's a total of 20 pounds I have lost. Can you believe that?! I can't, it's pretty amazing to me. Every time I get out of bed and don't feel like working out, I think about how much I've lost and it pretty much motivates me to get my bottom in the gym!! I thought about posting before and after pictures but I'm not sure I want to do that. TMI, ya know what I'm sayin'?

4. Jenna got her date for her C-section. November 23rd is the official day for Avery to come join us in the world! That's only like 6 weeks away, I can hardly believe it!!

5. Other than that, not too much going on in our little world. Hope you have a great weekend!!!!


Havard Family said...

Brooke you are amazing! 135 is my goal weight! Way to go, you inspire me to workout more. :) Even if you don't want to post before pics, you should post after pics so we can see how great you look! 20 lbs is amazing I'm so proud of you!

Libby said...

I'm not sure where in the world you lost 20 pounds from :), but way to go!! That's awesome and I agree what an inspiration!!

Kristi said...

Congrats on the 20lbs!! You go girl :)

Heather said...

1. But now it's the weekend! (And I'm assuming you're enjoying it in a clean house-- such a great feeling!)

2. I SOOO want to see this movie before it comes out on Netflix. Did you see it? How was it?

3. Um, I'm pretty sure I'm gaining all that weight you're losing. You go, girl!

4. That's so soon! Yay for another Avery in your life, hehe!

5. Miss you! It's sad that I never see you and you live all of 100 feet away.