Tuesday, November 2, 2010

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 24

I'm very much enjoying these 30 Day Blog topics!
There are plenty more things I've learned throughout my time on this Earth but these are a few.

Day 24: Something You've Learned

Things are never as bad as they may seem. This one is a hard one for me, simply for the fact that in the situation we always think things are ten times worse than in actual reality.

Family comes before anything else. Period.

If you eat horribly, you feel horrible and I begin to see it in my thighs. :)

History does repeat itself.

Laughter truly is the best medicine, along with Tylenol and a Pepsi.

My dogs are perfect examples of unconditional love.

Patience is a learn quality. Perspective is another one.

Pick your battles, not every "battle" is worth fighting.

Men are not mind readers. It's much easier to just tell them what you want and how you want it done. I learned this one fairly quickly after being married and it's made mine, and Dave's life so much happier!


Kit said...

Dogs are perfect examples of unconditional love. I love that one...so true...so true! Great list of things you have learned

Lindsay Thomas said...

Pick your battles. HUGE lesson I need to learn. Thanks for sharing!

ty said...

Not every battle is worth fighting. Amen.

Venessa said...

Love this list...especially about laughter and dogs! I totally feel the same way!

Undeserving Grace said...

I couldn't agree with your list more! I think patience is for sure learned and practiced when we least want to. And when you have children and a husband you learn quickly not every battle is worth fighting.