Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Yes. I am going to jump on the band wagon and list a few things for which I am thankful. You know, with it being Thanksgiving and all!

Yesterday was such a blessing. I left the hospital, not in the best mood (for reasons that were not important what-so-ever!) but my mom said "Brooke, remember, this is a time to be thankful." Ouch. She was right.

Sometimes, we just forget.........but, not today. Not right now. So, I have a list of almost everything I am thankful for!

{one} My incredibly family. My husband, my parents, my in-laws, my sisters, my S-I-L/B-I-L, my aunt, my NIECE, my dogs, and my friends. Friends are extended family, especially since I have plenty of people in my life who are there for me no matter what.

{two} Movies. Great movies. Sometimes, you just need a good storyline or chick flick. I guess I would sound like a more educated person if I said books, but let's be honest......I'm not the world's best at reading.

{three} My house.

{four} My health.

{five} My job

{six} My marriage. I am so lucky to have found my soul mate. We have trying days, I'm not the easiest person to please, and Dave can push my buttons on a daily basis.....but I love him. With my whole heart.

{seven} Another Thanksgiving holiday spent with everyone I love.

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving day! Be cheesy and go around the table to share with your loved ones what you are thankful. Sometimes, it helps to share so you can remember too!!

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